Dis Radio

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am Becoming Me!

Plant the seed.
It germinates under the proper conditions.
Within the warm and moist earth,
a sprout struggles forth,
roots take hold,
the sprout then pushes toward the surface,
seeking the sun.
The ground cracks open,
allowing the sprout to leap toward the sun.
The last restraint, the outer seed covering falls off.
It is now free to grow.
The seeding grows rapidly reaching out for the sun and sky.
Reaching out for my goals,
growing and reaching,
budding and blossoming,
years of growth and struggles.
Letting who I am,
and, what I believe in
pour from my image and being.
Using research and experience as the food for growth and thought.
My blossom is my image,
thoughts, actions, and principles,
they grow with knowledge.
I can blossom again, now and in the future.
I need to be healthy strong, and up to date with current practice.
I need to know my students and my co-workers,
and, I need to know myself,
who I want to be,
and my goals, the sun and sky.

A blossoming apple tree providing the food of knowledge,
using the nutrients and resources around me,
I can only work toward the promise of the fruit of knowledge.
It is yours to ripen, eat, and share with others.


  1. It is easy to forget in the dark of winter that seeds are always being planted, always growing and sprouting and branching forth - and germinating once again!
    Munch munch, I enjoyed the fruits of your labor!

  2. You are totally in control of your growth process...and it appears to be thriving:)
