Dis Radio

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I am Becoming Me!

Plant the seed.
It germinates under the proper conditions.
Within the warm and moist earth,
a sprout struggles forth,
roots take hold,
the sprout then pushes toward the surface,
seeking the sun.
The ground cracks open,
allowing the sprout to leap toward the sun.
The last restraint, the outer seed covering falls off.
It is now free to grow.
The seeding grows rapidly reaching out for the sun and sky.
Reaching out for my goals,
growing and reaching,
budding and blossoming,
years of growth and struggles.
Letting who I am,
and, what I believe in
pour from my image and being.
Using research and experience as the food for growth and thought.
My blossom is my image,
thoughts, actions, and principles,
they grow with knowledge.
I can blossom again, now and in the future.
I need to be healthy strong, and up to date with current practice.
I need to know my students and my co-workers,
and, I need to know myself,
who I want to be,
and my goals, the sun and sky.

A blossoming apple tree providing the food of knowledge,
using the nutrients and resources around me,
I can only work toward the promise of the fruit of knowledge.
It is yours to ripen, eat, and share with others.

What Color Would You Be?

Recently, I was asked, "It you had to choose a color what color would you be?"

I thought for a moment and then I responded.

I would be blue.
If I were blue I could be bright.
I could be the sky or cold as ice.
I could be royal.
I could be dark as midnight.
Or, I could be soft, or baby blue.
When I am sad I could be grayish or dull.
Yes, I would be blue.
Blue offers me great possibilities and the feeling of strength, warmth, and comfort that I have in my blue jeans.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pride of the Parent

I watch my son, whom I now look up to.
I see him warm up batter's in the cage.
Soft toss, then moving behind the screen to throw BP
-wait a second- someone hit a home run
He runs to the field to congratulate his team mate.
Then back to the cage, continuing to help coach another team mate.
Preparing him for the game.
-another home run-
He jogs back out to the filed to join his team.
Back to the cage - helping again.
Then back to the dug out to support the others.
Finally the second game comes.
Peter is at short stop.
I love to watch him play.
He has grown up on the baseball field.
Learning to be a leader,
then stepping up to become a leader.
Coaching kids in the summer.
Staying positive through frustration.
Seeking advice when necessary.
Learning both patience and how to approach.
It is his turn to play again, to step on his field
and take his place,
"For love of the game".
A senior now, last year to play,
a bit of sorrow for all of us,
A captain, a leader, a coach,
and player team member.
Yes he grew up on the baseball field.
I look up at him. He's six feet tall.
Not tall on the team, but tall next to me.
I look up to him...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Moment of Admiration

For a moment, I stepped outside with my two dogs and admired them in their own world.  The eight year old yellow lab using her energy efficiently and effectively to play and to teach her twelve week old black companion.  I admired the fake flop over to give the puppy a temporary advantage in their play to learn games.  Sandy, never having had a puppy of her own seemed to instinctively understand the size and delicateness of her tiny companion.  She used her legs to push the pup into position to protect herself from those tiny needle teeth that repeatedly grabbed any loose bits of skin or body parts.  Their wrestling session showed me just how social dogs are and how much these two enjoyed having a companion.  My thoughts wandered off in reflection of whether I had make the proper choice for Sandy choosing for her to never have a litter of her own.  I can’t change that now, but I am glad for this moment when she can play adoptive parent and help to train this puppy that will some day take her place beside my husband in the duck marshes. As I walk through door to step back into my own world I can be happy, in the present, for Sandy and her new companion, Sammy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change and Conflict

Daughter in California needs to Skype.  Daughter at college not feeling well.  Son at college needs help with financial aid forms.  Aunt needs railing built, needs a cane, a walker, and someone to be there. She is dizzy and can't move about well.

Taking classes to keep my job and to advance.  Homework is due.  Data needs to be analyzed for work.  How do I fit it all in?  How many pieces can I be cut into without falling apart?  I feel like a puzzle hanging off the end of the table and trying to hold all my pieces together. 

Shared my feelings at work.  Support came from an unexpected person.  Anger, frustration, and conflict are normal.  They sometimes interfere with our love and respect of those we care for.  Thank you for speaking up.  

The love returns again.  The respect and the fondness are there.  The tasks are complete.  We are taking turns and sharing.  I have a great family.  We are closer because of the time, emotions, and responsibility we share.